Guess my previous previous previous post have sounded slightly harsh that it brought about certain repercussions. But I m not in the least guilty of it cuz it's my blog and i ought to feel free to comment anything and reveal all feelings that's in me. I have been rather ethical in keeping the names known, gotta show some respect somehow no matter how nasty a matter or a person is.
Why is it that people always inject their own interpretations into conversations and make others further misinterpretated without revealing the actual content. Had been a victim of such incident just last month and that was really nasty but after clearing things up with frenz, now it's back to normal. But why must history repeat again?! I never like to be reminded of the past unhappy events so usually it just come n go, let me burst the anger off and i'll be fine and if im ever in the wrong i apologize. But this time round... Grrr... Things may not be as serious as it seems but somehow some people prefers to take it in the most negative way, what can I do?
Enough of that...
Happy day ahead.. we are going to the zoo zoo zoo.. how about you you you.. hahaaa... crazy Sand is signing off to sleep.. Night nite
Hohoho... Project Superstar has just ended and as usual i cried again everytime Kelvin performed!! Though he was given a discoount to sing a mid-tempo song, he sang it just as wel except for his nose power too strong already haaa.. dun really know the technical terms for singing.. so far have came across "groove", "head voice".. haaa.. guess these are the terms that ktv-goers will get to use very often lately.. just to make fun yar...
Derrick is another personal favourite of mine.. and Ping is really crazy over him but expected lar.. Derrick is her kind of guy.. so CUTE!! haaaa...
Go Derrick Go!!! Go Kelvin Go!!! My votes will not be wasted!!!
What a BUSY day i have in the office today!!! I bet i shed at least a kilo today cuz of all the running and shuttling from the reception to the scanner and from the scanner to the printing room and from the printing room to my workstation!!! Grrr... now my back is aching cuz i was wearing heels and yes run around with the heels!!! Gosh!!! Feet is not pain but my back is aching! I need massage!! And i made it to and from Somerset and City Hall in a short span of 30min to develop my photos. Wonder if i will suffer from appendicitis soon??? Choi Choi Choi...
Finally get to settle a big thing and owe a big thank you to my aunt and my granny!! Love you all despite the trouble taken and i willingly accept any scolding.
Eline from EY sms me last night regarding a meeting for abss22 A1s on fri evening. And it is regarding the DnD performance in sept. I seriously think they are gonna hamtam the august batch people. I have yet to start work and dunno how to wayang so the acting roles please stay away from me.. Haaa...
Had lunch with Will yesterday too. He left for Lan Zhou and Yunnan today le and will be back on 16 Aug. Had always admired his passion for voluntary work cuz he is willing to spend money and time dedicating to the less fortunate despite certain difficulties he have to face. I may have the heart but ability wise i still a long way to go cuz of too many concerns burdening me. For him, he is able to forsake and set his mind to it.. ok.. i am not determined enough!! useless Sand!!!
Colleagues were talking about marriage today as part of after-lunch chit chat, as usual. Haaa... MQ is 25 and she's gonna ROM this Dec while CC is already married at 24 this may.. Gosh.. so early!!! and they were talking about the cost of marriage and after some accoutants sharp calculation, minimum sum is $10k!! Not a small sum for working adults but at my age, marrying is so taxing. BW was talking about taking loan from parents but i beg to differ. Marriage ought to be a happy event tho couples may have conflicting ideas regarding the house and wedding plans, why marry under the burden of a liability? Also, with sufficient cash on hand you may wish to do anything you like with your own cash and not feel sorry for misusing parents' hard earned money. Only BW can profit from wedding haaa...
NO money NO wedding talk.. LOL
It's the end of a week or rather as what some people may say that Sunday is the start of a new week. Enough of all the unhappy matters that occurred in the past week. Coming week is one filled with anticipation, fun, love and joy. Feels good to have plans laid for the coming week and not feeling empy and leading life aimlessly.
Hooray to the new week!!!
I may be utterly pissed earlier on but i am now writting with a peace of mind and i swear i have been looking at the matter objectively.
A happy day turned dull because of HER!!! WTH!!! Stopped screaming at people when u wanna check things out.. i doubt in the first place she had intended to check things out, she merely wanted to scream at me and claim that her image has been tarnished!!! So right from the very start, the conversation had began with an accusation and what a ridiculous thing to have happened. I haven been telling J abt HIM cuz im not in the first place close to him. Doubt we ever conversed more than 20 sentences!!! And pls search your soul what have u told me abt HIM and HIS gf before and what wrong have i ever done by telling J HIS gf's name???!!! With close to nil knowledge about the two of them, how personal can this matter be?? Is a name very personal??? And stop accussing me of divulging other people's secrets and personal matter cuz i have nvr done so!!! For goodness sake, you used to tell F about us, you even tell him things that are considered very personal to us. Excuse me, you think that's alrite and we are happy about it??!! Have you ever think that we may not be comfortable letting him know?? Will not blame you if I am close to F but that's never the case!! Please speak for yourself before pointing the finger at me!
I have absolute no idea what have J and the rest did and it's utterly beyond my control what people will do. How bad can it reflect on you??!! Whether it is reflecting badly on you, go explain to HIM for Christ's sake! If he is sensible and reasonable enough, he will objectively judge who's right and who's wrong. You have not been telling me things about HIM and his gf, why are you guilty? You mean HE has never expect you to tell your good friends about HIM?? Given your relationship with him, HE must have been a dumbo to have not suspected it. Close friends trust one another that things said will not be twisted and messages will get across in the right way. I honour you with this trust that's why I have not been commenting about you telling our personal matters to your other close friends. And please do not ever breach this trust!
It's a pain to be the subject matter of other people's gossip especially when things have been distorted. I have been a victim of such gossips and i understand how terrible it feels so it really makes no sense for me to be so unethical to divulge other people's personal life. Moreover I am nvr close to HIM, makes even no sense for me to comment anything about him cuz i dun know him personally. Dont treat me like an idiot as though I do not know what outght to be said and what not. Grapevine hurts and i never wish to be involved in the twisting process. I have yet to hear from J about the matter at this point in time but I am determined to clear the air cuz i dun wan to be ACCUSED!!! Even if you dun mean to be accussing, please go reflect on how to relate with people and dun take things for granted that bcuz we are close and you can scream at me before processing things objectively in your mind. Wake up!!!
And for HIM, i really dunno what's wrong with people talking about you and your gf. She made a presence on that day and we saw and out of normal human behaviour we talked about it for sure. I mean that's perfectly normal, isn't it. Moreover, I merely mentioned her name and I swear nothing beyond that! I will not be surprised if my friends are curious about my bf when we appear together for the first time in front of them. That's just the logic!!! If you cant even take this small little harmless gossip, how are you going to take even worst office politics that are forthcoming. Wake up!!!
I do not claim to be a victim in this matter. Neither do I claim innocence here. I just want to fa1 xie4!!! What wrong have i done to deserve your scream and accusation?! To play safe, don't ever tell me anything in the future.
Enough of the unhappy matters. I went back to PHS today for the annual carnival, after 3 years!! Brought back so many wonderful memories about the past carnival that we were involved in. Still remember that we used to sell ice cream and drinks during the carnival and I think we emerge to be one of the top earners. Haha.. I always lose my voice after the carnival cuz of the crowd and I gotta scream at the top of my voice to co-ordinate with the rest of the class. And it's always during the carnival that I see my classmates bonding together as a class to bring glory to 4Faith. Wonderful days manx!!! Enough of that.. Anyway met Mrs Teo and Mr Sim in PHS. Most of our teachers have left the school and we only managed to take photo with Mr Sim and cant post it here cuz Dar had took my camera. Will post it soon. Mr Sim is gonna dedicate another 2 years to PHS depsite having reached his retirement age in February. He brought us around the new campus and felt like we are following a tour guide.. Haha. If only the old campus is still around, will definitely take more photos to bring back memories of where I used to study and have fun in school, our classrooms where we will throw chalks around and hang dirty PE t-shirts. Haha.. These memories will always stay cuz secondary school days are the best times of my life thus far. BE it personal development morally or in studies, I began learning from secondary school days. If my secondary school teachers have not given me the chance to prove my ability, I may not have graduated with a degrees today. Because of all the happy and unhappy incidents in PHS, I have emerged stronger. Began to suffer from gossips since Sec 1 and yes it's never a good thing. Yet I have also known great frens from PHS and my dearest gfs are from PHS. If not for PHS, I would not have known you gals and lots more. Love you gals lots!! We learn along the way right!!!
Anyway played mahjong at ZL's house after lunch and his house was a mini entertainment centre for us. 2 mahjong tables and movie marathon in the living roon and PS playing in his room.. Haha.. doesnt it sound like a all-in-one entertainment centre... Think mahjong is gonna be a weekend activity for us liao.. Wonder if this will continue when all the guys are back to school by mid august. In the meanwhile, there are 2 more weekends to go.. so let's grab hold of these golden weekends!!!
Really down on my luck for these two weeks!!! On 2 consecutive wednesdays somemore!!! Last week was the convo and this wed is a fainting experience!!!
Have been getting paper cuts over the past few days and now my left pinky nail has chipped into the flesh and yes it's painful, it's gross and i fainted becuase of that!!
Stupid Sand knocked onto the extra office chair next to my workstation. And there it goes.. 'chip' my nail said bye bye.. but i didnt realise until i see blood coming out. Went to seek help from Meiqi and Stella and it got more and more painful as we talked. Heart really ache to see my nail chip for the first time. Think i got hypertension or what and blood cannot flow properly, began to black out gradually and my world was in complete darkness for more than 5 minutes. And i shocked the hell out of Meiqi, Stella and Mary. Almost wanted to give way and fall flat on the ground but decided to hang on cuz i believe i can still make it.. haa.. dun think i really black out afterall with all this sensible thinking haa.. anyway the world blacked out for the second time in 22 years of life and it was all cold sweat in the polar cold office.. kept drinking cold water that help recover my vision. You know what went through my mind when i was 'blinded'?? Kelvin from Project Superstar was dashing past my mind at that moment. I can imagine how helpless blind ppl feel and why he had appeared so helpless and nervous on stage becuase he couldnt grip on anything on stage, no support, nothing! Appreciate the value of eyes and vision.. imagine he can never see how smartly dressed he has been on stage, the crowd that had cheered him on in the audi and how they have supported him.. he is and will always be deprived of these pleasures of life. Can really sympathesize with him... Kelvin, jia you!!!
Ok i digress... ya.. i recover from the black out and began to hop around the office after lunch though i lunch in on that day cuz wanna minimize movement after the black out and conserve energy for night tuition. Sheesh... really a long and bad day for me.. On the whole wed was a bad day cuz Dar had a sheety day too.. lol
Enough of the sheety wednesdays.. 22nd of every month is TP's Fruits and Vegetables and MQ will prepare fruit juices for sale and donate all proceeds to MINDS.. what a meaningful thing to do in the office. It brings life in the office.. haaa.. and i ordered ORange with Carrot thru MQ but ended getting a treat from her..
Was given a choice of ending the job earlier by Jenny cuz there's not much to do already but MQ and Mary were screaming at me for wanting to leave early cuz next week is month end and following week will be month-end closing.. will be super busy for them. Already they are short-handed they really need my help for the next 2 weeks so i shall honour them and stay for another 2 weeks as scheduled though they hope i can stay longer.. lol.. but i have to rest la... Enjoy my time there and now that i have a new neighbour Tony who is SUPER talkative and bias towards auditors, esp the males cuz of his unhappy experience with his ex-auditor-gf and he likes to blow trumpet!!! Big enough to fit everyone in the office into his trumpet hole.. but he's generally very entertaining la.. so even though im bored for the next 2 weeks, he'll be my entertainer.. haha
What to say!!! It's definitely one of the happiest days of my life and it's also a day when any that could went wrong did go wrong.
It's my CONVOCATION DAY!!! Yea.. congrats to all fellows who graduated this year from NTU Class of 2005!!! Finally we have passed through the tedious cycle of studying and taking exams. However we are on the path to an even tougher route ahead. The Long Road Ahead (haaa.. it's actually the title of my Political Economy textbook) is worth the journey so lets just sit back and relax to enjoy the ride.
Though supposedly to be a happy day, it didnt really being with a big bang, probably it bang on the wrong side... Haaa... Anyway the day started with wrong timing set. GOtta fetch my cousin to my granny's place for the day and there was slow traffic along the way. So that's the first setback. And then the maid was so blur, she herself said to wait for us at the carpark but she headed to the bus stop!!! Have to spend time waiting for her to see if she appear and after 5min decided to bring my cousin up myself!!! Grrr... she only make my blood boil and i think our eight characters clash like mad, always cannot stand her. Nvm.. then headed to school but was so jammy at KJE. Morning jam was so expected on KJE but on top of that there was a hit-and-run accident that happened at CCK. Goodness and guess what i actually saw the dead body of a motorcyclist when my dad drove past. The body was already covered with a white cloth but could still see the legs and the sight still haunts me, afterall it was the first time i saw a dead body from accident and how pleasant can it be when it is from an accident. Guess that was a super big omen for the day. Was caught in the jam for almost an hour and yes i was late for robing and registration but hack care already. I reached at ard 930am and started robing in the stuffy toilet. Luckily Jiayi's sister was there to be the saviour cuz i was too flustered to get anything right. And i only registered at 955 ard that time la.. luckily still in time.
Oh!!! And courtesy of Miao i tripped and fell off the stairs. Luckily there was my gown to cover my legs which were knelt on the floor after the fall. Immediate blue black lor!!! See how unlucky the day is!!!
ANyway i was safely sitted in the audi. So excited when i was inside. Didnt dare to move my head too much cuz was so afraid the mortar board will drop haaaa... Waited for an hour before it's finally my turn. So nervous!!! My shoes were loose and i was so afraid that the shoes will fell off.. haaa.. Guess i worry too much le.. But i just hope that all the things that are not supposed to go wrong went on smoothly cuz all the things that can go wrong did go wrong in the morning. Ok.. things began to smoothen after the ceremony and that's when all the photo taking and hi-hello-ing begin!!! Saw so many of my friends and classmates. Took alot of photos with them. AND had a little surprise...
Thia presented me the flowers first, so thankful and sweet of them!!! We got her a bouquet on her convo also ma.. haaa... but the roses were sweet!!! Thanks!!! THEN, came Dar. He bought the graduation bear!!! Heee... it was the kind i had looked forward to and my wish is granted!!! This is the first time i ever get my wish granted k.. Had never get what i ask for.. though there was always better presents. The vest is now sent for embroidery and will be back again in a weeks time!!! That's a sweet present too!!! And i love it!!!
Took almost 60 pics that day and decided to share the giz only.. too many to upload le.. troublesome la.. BUT i will go back to take again.. failed to take alot of places cuz was in a rush to leave on that day..
Dar and Dada... New name for the bear... See the paws so special... hehe
It's me!!!
My family.. Mummy actually beamed alot that day but she camera shy leh.. haaa..
2 couples .. Old and young.. hahaaa
My best GFs.. Thia, Sand, Miao and Ad.. BUT MH is absent cuz she has IA... sadz
So surprise and thankful that they turned up.. Some of my closest male frens from PHS, Jason, XR, WM and ZL
Miao and Sand... so glad that we went thru the course together and graduated in the same session.. Pals forever.. All the best!!
Full strength of PHS clique on that day with the NBS graduation backdrop
Closest pals from Uni classes. Looks so complete and happy all of us.
Vin, my FYP mate, and her GF Shuhui who is my Jc mate and classmate in Accountancy too
Kok (Kok Teong), my JC classmate who turned up to take photo with me.. So nice.. haaa
Sai Him.. he's a smarty!!! and confrats for getting 1st Class and my future colleague.. will be blessing to work with him in future..
Uni GFs... All hats down..
Best Jie Mei in uni.. haaa.. Yixiang la.. haven reveal his pic before... here it is
Then there's Willie lor.. a treasured fren
Graduate lo!!!!
After 2 hours of photo-taking session it's finally over!!
So many sorries and thank yous on that day. Sorries to Dar and my parents for having to walk around and take photos for me, especially Dar who is my camera man for the day... Thanks Dar and the bear *muack*
And sorry to Jiayi's sis for havin to carry my heavy gown bag around for the day.
Thanks to all my close pals who attended and gave me the flowers. My day was made beautiful and complete with your presence and of cuz the karaoke session after the convo. Thanks to my parents giving my the support and understanding and freedom of choice in studies over the years and especially over the past three years of hard time *muack*
Finally gotten the pics for my CommunicAsia.. courtesy of the fortunate princess Silia and my dear partner Paulene... Looking at the photos once more sends lotsa happy memories back again.. It's by chance we met and it's by CommunicAsia we get so close together in just 4 days... Such friendships are really hard to come by..
Our first full strength pic for CommunicAsia with our supervisor, Felicia. Doesnt she resemble Pan Ling Ling? and Im older than her.. goodness.. but she still look stunning and experienced.
Half of CommunicAsia strength - Moi, Jean, Paulene, Silia and Shuhui
Evidence of stealing food and lazing around. Haaa... did i mention that we kept stealing refreshments from the delegates? Haa... Felicia took the lead btw.. so we had full permission. And the most surprising thing is that Yusnita steal with us too.. Haa.. She's higher authority than Felicia and looks stern yet classy.. She's really pretty when she smiles.. Who would have expected our boss to steal with us.. Haa.. Pity that she refuse to take photo with us cuz she doesnt like to take photo..
Full group pic of CommunicAsia and IX, our neighbour. Really big group huh... i think there were 27 ppl here. Fine I am the oldest here.. besides Silia.. haaa
Haven been online-ing for the past 1 week and haven been blogging for more than 1 week.. haaa... not that im super busy.. but im super sick!!! Ever since the chalet from friday till sunday night, i have been coughing and having running nose until now still haven't fully recover.. this is so terrible.. felt so embarrasse to cough and blow my nose loudly in the office.. cant be help, i have to blow the stupid nose hard to clear it and cough hard to force the phlegm up the throat.. Grr.. so painful and never felt so xing ku before..A sick person always feel emotionally down and upset abit.. or rather mood swing is very often.. there was soem minor misunderstanding with me gfs but luckily they have been resolved in 2 days time.. haa.. couldn'y drag any longer.. we havent had any argument for the past 9 years and this time i guess everyone is bothered by the matter and so wanna resolved things quickly.. We are still the best of friends!!!!
Don't really remember what i have been doing over the past weeks.. only remember meeting up with friends and playing mahjong and work lo.. Oh.. my colleagues are pretty nice ppl and helpful.. and i really did accounts lo!!! Never dare to imagine me doing accounts though i have a accounting degree.. so shameful of that. Perhaps not that im not qualified but just feel not confident enough.. so at first when i did the posting of accounts and entries.. i checked each entry very very very long (have nvr been so careful in my life before).. dun wanna screw up the SAP and the office.. haaa.. btw i am very capable of screwing things up so dun dare me. Slowly i have gotta the hang of most of the duties but then i was on mc on friday.. haa.. finally succumbed to the force of doctor and was given the mc.. fully utilised the mc man!!!
Went for Cyn's convocation in the morning. I must confess i didnt purposely plan to take mc on fri so that i can attend her convo but just so happen that i must see a doc on thurs night and got the mc.. so i might as well utilise it right. Haa.. stupid excuse u may think but im telling the truth. Anyway was so glad that i can make it for her graduation!!! My best fren leh... how can i be absent.. haa.. Feel so happy for her and her parents. It's the 'finally-i-have-graduated-with-pride' kind of feeling. After 17 years of studies, finally she has graduated with glory!! Well.. mine is just a few days from now.. already anticipating the excitement on wednesday. So it was flowers and bears everywhere in NUS UCC. First time attending a convo so dunno wad to do or wad to bring. So when i reached the hall, saw so many ppl holding bouquets of flowers, so sweet!! Haa... felt so bad that i didnt prepare anything for Cyn so got Mh to buy a bouquet of flowers as a little token of gift for Cyn. Hope that she wont mind. Really wanted to get her the graduation bear but the white one is not nice lo.. and super duper ex.. dun think it's really worth the money, it's daylight robbery lo. The brown colour one is the cuter one but it's a human size big so u can expect how cheap it is, so much way beyond our budget so in the end, we can only get her a bouquet. Not that it is very practical (flowers are never practical btw, but girls just like it, think that it's so sweet.. hehe) Will search for cuter graduation bear from outside NUS to give Cyn. Really hope that NTU graduation bear is cuter and maybe i will have one??? super big hint.. *ahem* .. haaa.. think it's just wishful thinking only
Me with the cute bear... a smaller version of it for me will do.. lol
Borrowed the backdrop.. under the big fat sun.. haaa.. but once in a lifetime so it's worth it
Me and Cyn
Cyn, Silia & Moi.. a small world indeed - Silia is my CommunicAsia colleague n she's Cyn's coursework.
Y only ZL? - Cuz he attended the ceremony on my behalf... last minute then i have mc and it's too late to tell ZL not to go so in the end he's there...
After convo i rushed off to update my passport photo... haa.. super dun resemble me... n rushed off to give tuition. So sick already still have to give tuition.. luckily he didnt make me vomit blood.. haa.. Though im on mc, myday is still very hectic and packed. Oh y do i have to update passport photo?? Cuz im going Bangkok for 5 days next month, not to have fun but it's for EY training.. haa.. but then there will be fun of cuz.. heard from my frens that they enjoyeed themselved to the max, with yummy 10 star rated food and hotel with very gorgeous bathroom.. haa.. sounds abit exaggerated but i shall be patient and awaits what is gonna to happen in Bangkok. Gotta walk around one whole day in drowsiness cuz the medicine was rather strong. Nevertheless still felt very happy.
Was planning with Dar the various activities we gonna have together and with our group of common friends. All of them are gonna take place after i start work. As of now, i still dunno how my schedule is like. Beginning to feel that after work commences, i will be a no-life person. But i know im not that kind of person cuz i need to be around people, hanging out with friends and having fun. Hopefully all the plans will be realized and i get to join in the fun. Looking forward to our trips pray hard that they will not be disrupted by my work schedule.